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He is thinking about what he want do today to surprise for his beauties. The thought of deep fucking them made his dick come to life in Linda's asshole. She felt it swell and pulse in her asshole and woke up with a smile. She pushed onto his hard cock driving it deeper inside her virgin little asshole. When she pushed into him he threw the covers back, rolled her onto her mouth with Master's dick in her asshole. He moved with her. She prepeared her legs and he had his knees between her pretty legs moving her up to her knees. Her mouth is down, ass up, wrist tied to the headboard, and blindfolded as he burried her asshole doggy pose driving his thick cock into her with strong internal strokes.
She grunted each time his dick rammed deep inside her. When her grunts turned to moans of pleasure he knew she is about to orgasm and reached around to her pussy and pinched it between his finger and thumb. She moaned as her pussy erupted with a high-squirting climax. Overlord fucked her asshole until her orgasm released control of her legs and she relaxed. She collapsed when he pulled his cock from her ass. His orgasm kick as he pulled from her and he give his full load of sperm covering her ass cheeks and lower back.
He wiped cum from her ass cheeks collecting a generous amount and put his cum covered fingers in her mouth letting her lick his jizz from his fingers. He untied her and removed the blindfold. She blinked and smiled at him. "Thank you Mister for a wonderful wake up." He smiled and kissed her cheek telling her she needs a shower and change of sheets. He went to his suite as she headed to the shower.
He quietly entered his room where Rebecca is restfully sleeping with her hands tied, blindfolded, with the butt plug still in her asshole. He slowly pulled the covers from her pretty body and she moaned in her dream and turned onto her stomach spreading her legs. He gently moved on the bed between her legs as his dick got hard again. She moaned and wiggled her ass hole in her dream as he rubbed his cock on her pussy hole lining it up with her litte pussy hole. He gently gripped her hips and pulled her up onto his dick as he drove his cock deep in her cunt. Her body tensed, her pussy clamped on his cock and she screamed as the surprise intrusion in her cunt slammed her awake. When she realized what just happened she giggle relaxing her clamp on his cock. "Good night, Master." she said as he slammed in and out of her pussy now leaking pussy water lubricating her love tunnel for him.
He gripped her hips pulling her onto his cock as he slammed into her cunt. She grunted with each hard drive into her body until the orgasm started moving madly to her excited cunt. When her grunts were joined by moans of pleasure he reached under her body and pinched one of her nipples forcing her to scream with pain and triggered the orgasm driving it blast her pussy with tremendous pleasure and she gushed semen over his strong moving dick creating a big wet mark of jizz on the bed sheet. He drove in her until the climax started to subside and pulled out. She moaned and relaxed on the bed as he untied her, removed the blindfold and butt plug. She told him she had dreamed of just that wake-up call and thanked him for all his love.
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п»їMatthew wakes at 4 am with Linda one of his ten willing slaves with wrist tied together to the head board, blindfolded and his cock buried in her tight little ass hole. Ruth, Jessica, Janis, and Virginia are still sleeping in their rooms with their wrist tied together to the head board, blindfolded, with a dildo in each of their asses having been tucked in by Dad at bed time. Janet and Gloria are the only 4 of his loving slaves that have not been fucked by Lord and slept with him tied to the bed, blindfolded with his dick lodged in their assholes.
He is thinking about what he want do today to surprise for his beauties. The thought of deep fucking them made his dick come to life in Linda's asshole. She felt it swell and pulse in her asshole and woke up with a smile. She pushed onto his hard cock driving it deeper inside her virgin little asshole. When she pushed into him he threw the covers back, rolled her onto her mouth with Master's dick in her asshole. He moved with her. She prepeared her legs and he had his knees between her pretty legs moving her up to her knees. Her mouth is down, ass up, wrist tied to the headboard, and blindfolded as he burried her asshole doggy pose driving his thick cock into her with strong internal strokes.
She grunted each time his dick rammed deep inside her. When her grunts turned to moans of pleasure he knew she is about to orgasm and reached around to her pussy and pinched it between his finger and thumb. She moaned as her pussy erupted with a high-squirting climax. Overlord fucked her asshole until her orgasm released control of her legs and she relaxed. She collapsed when he pulled his cock from her ass. His orgasm kick as he pulled from her and he give his full load of sperm covering her ass cheeks and lower back.
He wiped cum from her ass cheeks collecting a generous amount and put his cum covered fingers in her mouth letting her lick his jizz from his fingers. He untied her and removed the blindfold. She blinked and smiled at him. "Thank you Mister for a wonderful wake up." He smiled and kissed her cheek telling her she needs a shower and change of sheets. He went to his suite as she headed to the shower.
He quietly entered his room where Rebecca is restfully sleeping with her hands tied, blindfolded, with the butt plug still in her asshole. He slowly pulled the covers from her pretty body and she moaned in her dream and turned onto her stomach spreading her legs. He gently moved on the bed between her legs as his dick got hard again. She moaned and wiggled her ass hole in her dream as he rubbed his cock on her pussy hole lining it up with her litte pussy hole. He gently gripped her hips and pulled her up onto his dick as he drove his cock deep in her cunt. Her body tensed, her pussy clamped on his cock and she screamed as the surprise intrusion in her cunt slammed her awake. When she realized what just happened she giggle relaxing her clamp on his cock. "Good night, Master." she said as he slammed in and out of her pussy now leaking pussy water lubricating her love tunnel for him.
He gripped her hips pulling her onto his cock as he slammed into her cunt. She grunted with each hard drive into her body until the orgasm started moving madly to her excited cunt. When her grunts were joined by moans of pleasure he reached under her body and pinched one of her nipples forcing her to scream with pain and triggered the orgasm driving it blast her pussy with tremendous pleasure and she gushed semen over his strong moving dick creating a big wet mark of jizz on the bed sheet. He drove in her until the climax started to subside and pulled out. She moaned and relaxed on the bed as he untied her, removed the blindfold and butt plug. She told him she had dreamed of just that wake-up call and thanked him for all his love.
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